TGMS Future Stars: BLACK OLF


Hello and welcome to Tanzgemeinschaft. Please introduce yourself to our readers.

Hey there, BLACK OLF, the electronic music duo over here, thank you so much for having us!:)

We are originally from Romania, the country that lately has become the land of so many electronic music festivals and we started our journey as individuals since childhood. Me, Monalisa aka BLACK was singing at different events and music competitions. OLF C. HELN aka OLF was also singing in a band and also started producing music.

So after years, we realized that this is what we love to do and we should get back to our first love, music.

Connect with BLACK OLF on Instagram | Spotify | Website | Facebook

How would you describe your sound and style?

Well, in 2023 we invented a genre named “desert techno” which is a blend between techno and oriental instruments. It’s a blend that makes you dance so hard but at the same time you, somehow, feel like walking like a nomad through the desert. This feeling represents us as a music style.

What triggers the idea for you to begin a new project?

It is a hard industry, so you must always keep the interest of the listeners high, and always come up with something new but keep your style at the same time. That’s why you have to be open to collaborations with other artists, and new ideas. You can always discover new things and new people that can lead to new projects.

Do you have a recent release to showcase? Tell us all about it and something about the process behind it.

Our last release is the remix of “Reality” which we initially released as an original version. But after a while, we thought that we had to add some spicy to this one and make it more dreamy but thrilling at the same time. We are very happy about the final result.

What other releases have you planned for this year that you can tell us about? Like when and on which label?

We are currently working on 3 releases. One of them is a collaboration with another artist, one is our production and also trying to make a remix for a very nice track. We are working on them so we haven’t decided on the labels yet. Hopefully, at least 2 of them will be released this summer.

When searching for a label, what is it that you are looking for? What do you expect from a record label?

First of all, we are looking for professionalism and good communication, transparent for all “underneath” and of course. Not going to lie, the motivation to push your music to new barriers and listeners.

What is one thing that would make your musical career more successful? Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

More time and perseverance. We think this is the most important part if you sometimes have the impression that you don’t do what you do well. Or that you don’t see results, you don’t have to give up, you just take a short break and come back with new forces and more optimism. In time you will get where you want to be, maybe in the top 10 major music electronic tops or the big mainstages. 🙂

Which characteristics of other artists do you find annoying? Which encourages you to move on?

Honestly, we don’t like that lately everybody is promoting themselves in a more sexual appearance rather than their skills and track selection.

Who are your musical or audio heroes and why?

We love Sahale. It has been years since we discovered his music. He has a unique style, and you can definitely recognise his track from the beginning, also love STOTO,and as a HERO for all the good music and an amazing voice, (but from another genre) I will say GEORGE MICAHEL 🙂

And when it comes to your field, producing, are there any particular ideas or pioneers that you go back to frequently or who really influence your thinking about the work you do?

When we are producing we are looking to include traditional sounds and instruments with current sounds from the techno industry. We try to combine the old with the new in a danceable and mesmerizing way.

Thank you.

Thank you for this interview, it was really nice and a pleasure.

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