Tayak has progressive melodic techno sound in his soul


Hi Tayak! Thanks for talking to us, how are you doing?

Hi, thank you for offering me this interview. I am doing pretty well. The beginning of the year has been great for my music career and personally.

You are known for your progressive melodic techno sound, why is this the genre/style you chose to produce as Tayak? What about it that resonates with you?

From a very young age, I was drawn to the world of cinema, dreaming of becoming an actor. But as I evolved, film music became my main fascination. Certain film soundtracks have had a profound influence on my musical direction. It is through progressive melodic techno that I find the deepest connection to this cinematic music, which is why I chose this style to produce.

Your first single “Delirium Tremens” was released on SATO Records. What was the inspiration behind the track and what were you trying to bring the listener to experience?

“Delirium Tremens” is actually a medical term for a severe withdrawal syndrome in people suffering from chronic alcoholism. It is a state characterized by hallucinations, agitation, and extreme confusion. I was inspired by a special friendship I experienced with one of my fellow doctors, witnessing their fierce battle with addiction. This track is therefore a true emotional and human exploration, also serving as a message of hope for all those battling addiction.

Take us through a day in your life, from a possible morning routine through to your production work and otherwise, please.

I always start a good day with an oat milk latte and a kombucha. I make my to-do list for the day with my manager, and then I start going through it. I produce only when I feel inspired. When not producing, I work on my other businesses or find inspiration for my next tracks by listening to samples or sometimes simply jamming with other people in different places. In Brussels, I used to frequent bars that offered good jam sessions.

There have been quite a few amazing electronic music artists to emerge from Belgium like yourself, what was it like growing up there and who were some of your local heroes?

Growing up in Belgium, especially in the electronic music scene, was an incredibly inspiring experience. Belgium has a rich musical heritage, particularly in electronic music, and being surrounded by such a vibrant scene undoubtedly shaped my artistic journey.

I don’t have any specific local heroes, but if I had to name some, I would likely choose film music producers such as Hans Zimmer or Nicholas Britell.

Who did you look up to and why If you were a tour-guide for nightlife in Brussels, what would be the clubs you’d take the people to see and what local DJs do they need to hear?

Though it’s a little outside Brussels, I would take them to Kompass, a legendary Flemish club with a consistently excellent lineup. In Brussels, the unmissable Fuse is a must-visit. Exploring the city for unusual places offering techno evenings often leads to delightful surprises!

What’s a book you’ve read or film you watched that has left an impact on you, and why?

Both the acting and the soundtrack of the series “Succession,” which I recently discovered, are masterpieces.

Apart from music, what makes you happy?

Making people happy.

Thank you so much for your time! We wish you all the best for the future. Take care!

Thanks to you and see you next time!

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