Let’s go with Deorbiting and their album Space House through the night

Deorbiting releasing an AP on Stil vor Talent.

Have you ever tried to dance weightlessly on the moon? Floating through space in a completely unbiased way with a thick groove and strong sound on your ears. Because that’s exactly what the new album with the title “Space House” by Deorbiting on Stil vor Talent sounds like.

Already the pre-released singles with remix productions by Oliver Koletzki, Niko Schwind and Tal Fussman convinced on several levels. The 14 track album now moves even further with guests like HRRSN and Ira Atari and touches all the senses. We had a chat with the trio – so attach your oxygen tanks to your spacesuit and let’s go through space and time with Deorbiting.

Connect with Deorbiting on Instagram | Soundcloud

Welcome & peace. How is it going in Berlin these days?

Thanks for having us! Berlin is finally coming back to life. It’s been some rough years here, this city isn’t exactly the most beautiful place to hang out if you cannot distract yourself with the culture that makes Berlin unique. Apart from that, it’s mostly very… grey. So yeah, it’s nice to see it coming back! The spring and summer seasons are going to be very special. Most importantly in times that scream for distraction.

Music and club culture is needed now more than ever.

Could you tell us a bit about your music background? How did you guys fall down the music rabbit hole?

All 3 of us took a very different path until we finally met here. Christian played in all sorts of bands, from funk to new rave, and has been DJing for 2 decades. Bernhard has actually been studying jazz drums so he’s the only one who academically knows what he’s doing and I, that’s Christoph, got tricked into playing bass because no one else in my first emocore band wanted to do it.

We all had different more or less successful projects over the years until we finally got together over the shared love of electronic music. That might sound a bit cheesy, but that’s what happened!

How would you describe the sound and style of Deorbiting?

This question is where we can perfectly combine our love for house music from the last answer with our interest in science fiction and astrophysics! We call it: Space House! And yes, for the lack of a better name that’s how we ended up with the album title.

Tell us a bit about this new album Space House. What demands did you have on the album production in the studio and what target did you have in mind?

We initially had the thought of writing an album right when the pandemic hit. The realization that all live events would come to an end for an uncertain amount of time scared us at first, but instead of digging deep into frustration, we tried to focus our creative energy in the studio.

This is our first album, so the first thought was: “Hey, how about we make an album? who knows when we will have enough time again?”. Right after that, we knew that we wanted to create some kind of space journey that’s mostly consistent from start to finish. We were writing tons of demos until we decided that we had the right ones to fulfil this purpose in a certain arrangement.

And what is your creative process when working on new music like tracks such as “The Journey” or “Veil”?

“The Journey” was the first track we started writing and the last one we finished over that whole 2-year process. I started producing the first sketch and we were never happy with the result until Christian played around with the LinnDrum.

The other way around with “Veil”. Christian wrote the first demo and the harmonics were great, but it always felt alienated from the rest of the album. We decided to let go of the whole initial sound design and formed it into this downtempo opener with a lot of quirky randomnesses.

I know many producers tell you to move on quickly if something doesn’t work out fast, but sometimes it’s worth sticking to your ideas, even fighting over them.

Music and sound are in some ways the most collaborative and interactive forms of creativity – what are your thoughts on this?

Working on music in a group is always a space of creative tension. It’s super subjective and there’s no right or wrong, the impact music has on every individual is highly personal. From my experience, it’s still a great environment for shared creativity, even if it makes you very vulnerable when others criticize your heartfelt art.

When everyone is aware of that it can lead to great results. And you can learn a lot from each other. I guess that makes it different from visual arts, where most people work on their own or even if they work in teams there’s a distinctive leader. So yes, agreed!

What is your favourite drink after a gig?

I personally prefer a well made Wodka Soda, which is not as easy as it seems. Bernhard likes his wine, sparkling or not, Christian is more of Rum Coke guy. We all can agree on white wine spritzers though!

Give us an insight into what we can expect from Deorbiting over the next few months.

After 2 years of studio work, we would love to bring “Space House” into the clubs. This is what we aim for and hopefully, we’ll see each other on the dancefloor!

Deorbiting – Space House (Stil vor Talent) is out now on all platforms.

Thank you.

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